If you're looking for Google Shopping price comparison, you're in the right place
Bid Skillet provides granular competitive pricing intelligence on every product in your Google Shopping product feed
Advertisers who optimize using competitive insight have a leg up on competitors in Google Shopping. They are able to maximize revenue by focusing on the products that will drive the strongest return on investment at any given time.

But it's challenging to gather and analyze pricing data in Google Shopping for your specific products and competitor landscape. That's where Bid Skillet comes in.
Bid Skillet answers questions such as:
  • Which competitors are undercutting your price in Google Shopping?
  • How does your product price compare to your competitors?
  • How does your shipping fee compare to other sellers?
  • How should I design an incrementality test?
  • On which products are you most price competitive?
  • In which categories are your products so expensive it hurts performance?
Bid Skillet delivers Google Shopping price comparison and repricing intelligence through charts, data tables, and custom labels.
Start Cookin'
To learn more about Bid Skillet, just reach out for a 1-on-1 demonstration!